
Consumer Information

Make better consumer lending, portfolio acquisition and management process decisions

Enabling better decisioning across the customer life cycle with information on individual consumers.

People plus

Customer Acquisition

Through local and international reports, credit scores and platform services, acquire consumers with reduced risk and more efficiency.

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Portfolio Monitoring

Stay alert with our services to monitor changes in your consumers’ position, that may affect your business.

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Reduce debt

Debt Collection

Having a reliable debt collection partner can help you reduce costs, manage risks and increase operational efficiencies.

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Experian Bureau

Our Experian Bureau hold, protect and manage data that help businesses lend fairly, quickly but responsibly. We have more than four decades of local knowledge, and analyse businesses and individuals through our Bureaux.

Credit Bureaux help encourage businesses, lenders and providers of services to extend more relevant offers to individuals and businesses.

Join us as a member to contribute and access data.

Experian Bank Bureau captures data on individuals from our Member Banks and is gazetted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore

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Experian Non-Bank Bureau extends our business and individual data with non-bank credit exposure

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Access business and consumer information through QuestNet – our one-stop information portal. Get more insights to drive business decisions with indicators such as credit ratings, credit reports and monitoring options.

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Consumer Local Reports

Individual, Credit and Litigation information to reduce risk and make more informed decisions

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Alternative Consumer Grade

Gain a more complete view of credit behavior with alternative credit data

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Clock recycling

Portfolio Monitoring Service

Get timely alerts

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Know Your Customer

Make Know Your Customer processes easier

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Reduce debt

Debt Collection Services

Manage and recover debt portolios more effectively and efficiently

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